Welcome to the first quarterly update for 2022.
Company Structure
One of our main goals for this quarter was to finalize the choice of corporate structure, both in relation to topics like the regulatory and legal framework as well as in relation to talent and capital. While we have been able to tap into the various talent pools on a remote basis so far and expect that to remain possible going forward, our regulatory review showed that there is a wide range of positions across the world with regards to space resources.
We used the following criteria for our analysis:
- Legal framework should allow for private ownership of space resources
- Policy & financial framework should enable private market actors
- Ability to enforce its chosen legal and policy framework
- Size of the aerospace economic cluster
The 4 countries that made our shortlist from a legal framework perspective were the US, UK, Luxemburg and the UAE. Adding the other criteria eliminated every country except for the US, especially considering the likelihood of dual use classification for some of the technology we are developing. The US remains the world's leading space faring nation.